Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Some weapons of the War of 1812 include, US 1795...

US 1795 Springfield Musket

British 3rd Model Brown Bess Musket

British Baker Rifle

British Sea Service Musket

British New Land Cavalry Pistol

British 1796 Infantry Officer's Sword

British 1803 Grenadier and Light Officer's Sabre

British 1796 Light Cavalry Sabre

Royal Navy 1805 Pattern Officer's Sword

From tomahawks to full-sized cannons, the weapons used during the War of 1812 are varied. One of the most interesting items is the Congreve Rocket, which launched projectiles from a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher. It worked very similarly to today's rockets. This pictures shows a detailed illustration of each weapon, as well a little background information about the War of 1812.

Monday, February 23, 2009

To the country at large the seizure of American seamen was much more serious than the loss of a few bags of flour or molasses. When a British ship in June 1807 attacked and disabled the USS Chesapeake and took many members of the crew, a wave of anger rose in which even the maritime interests became involved. This was an insult to the U.S. and its people Jefferson had chosen to go to war with England he would have had considerable support. Instead he decided to clamp an embargo on American trade. In New England reputations of wealthy shipowners were ruined, and a number of thriving little seaports suffered an economic depression from which few recovered. While the rest of the country remembered the Chesapeake affair and stored up anger against Britain, maritime New England directed its anger at Jefferson and his party.
War of 1812

The War of 1812 lasted only about two years, and basically it ended the same as it started in a stalemate. It was a war that finally confirmed American Independence. The United States failed in every attempt to capture Canada. On the other hand, the British army was successfully stopped when it attempted to capture Baltimore and New Orleans. There were a number of American naval victories in which America’s ships proved they were stronger than the same sized British ships.